If something has to be removed, please contact me at donzjuwa@gmail.com. Give me some time to remove. In fact nothing is being copyright. Its only a place where people can find information quickly.

Saturday 16 March 2013

WebStarts Logo


Like An Old Fashioned Filibuster? How About Old Fashioned Customer Service?

Friday, March 8th 2013 4:06 PM
The internet can often seem a cold and distant place and most companies online perpetuate this demeanor by way of their customer service. It is not too often that you can find a phone number and when you do, there is the never ending-automated phone tree experience that we have all grown to detest. There seems to be a lack of old-school customer service with the ever growing online community. This is probably because it requires a great deal of … Read More

Choose from 100's of designs.

All designs are completely customizable.

While our competitors limit you to changing a few lines of text and a couple of images on the same boring template already being used by hundreds of others, WebStarts provides everything you need to create a completely original web design that truly conveys the value of your products and services. Click here to see our themes.

Get a custom web address.

Get your site online in minutes.

To be successful online you'll need your own custom domain name (Example: MySite.com). Normally that process can be a bit tricky but with WebStarts it's easy. Simply choose whether you'd like a new domain name or use one you already own. Your domain name will be live and working with your website in a matter of minutes.

Get found on search engines.

WebStarts is search engine friendly.

A recent study shows over 80% of people use search engines like Google when looking for products and services on the web. Yet only 27% of websites are optimized for search engines. Good search engine ranking is the number one way you can capture new leads and customers online.
WebStarts was built from ground up to be search engine friendly. That means websites built with WebStarts are more likely to get found on search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Real help from real web experts.

Call us at 1-800-805-0920.

At WebStarts, not only have we simplified the process of getting your site online, but if you ever have a question, we're just a phone call away. We're easy to get a hold of and we have our 1-800 number listed at the top of every page. When you call WebStarts, you're speaking to real web experts who understand exactly what is required to get your ideas off the ground and how to make a website.

Share and go viral.

WebStarts works with Facebook, Twitter, and more.

With over 1 billion users and over half of those logging in everyday, Facebook has become the second leading source of leads next to Google. Studies show sites who include share, like, tweet, and other social media buttons experience increased traffic and higher conversion rates.
WebStarts is the only free website builder who provides a full array of sharing options for all of today's most popular social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Rollr, and Pinterest. With a few clicks you can add these powerful social sharing tools and start generating viral traffic.

Anyone can do it.

No technical skills required.

With old school website building tools getting your website off the ground can be complicated and painful. With WebStarts building your very own free website is easy. A few simple clicks and your website is online in a matter of minutes. There are no servers to configure, no software to install, and no mindless uploading and downloading files. Just login and make changes to your website from any computer anywhere.

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